A matcha latte is a modern twist on the tea consumed in traditional tea ceremonies. This drink combines matcha, hot water, and your choice of milk to create a creamy and well-balanced beverage. Whether enjoyed hot or cold, a matcha latte is perfect for any time of the year.

Let's start with the tools you will need:

  1. Chawan (Matcha Bowl): With its wide opening and handmade beauty, a matcha bowl enhances the tea preparation experience.
  2. Chasen (Bamboo Whisk): The chasen suspends and separates matcha in hot water, eliminating clumps and creating the perfect foam.
  3. Naoshi (Whisk Holder): The naoshi preserves your matcha whisk's lifespan, ensures proper drying, and maintains its shape.
  4. Matcha Sifter: To prevent clumping and ensure smoothness, use our matcha sifter before preparation.
  5. Chashaku (Bamboo Spoon): Our bamboo matcha scoop, known as a chashaku, ensures the correct measurements of your matcha.

And, of course, authentic, high-quality matcha!

Matcha Latte Made Easy: 4 Simple Steps

1. Sift

Using the matcha sifter, sift 3-4g of matcha (about 2 heaped chashaku spoons) into the chawan.

2. Add Water

Add approximately 50ml of hot water (around 75-85 degrees Celsius).

3. Whisk

Vigorously whisk the matcha in a “Z” pattern until a fine foam appears (about 15-20 seconds).

4. Add Milk

Add 150-200ml of your preferred milk for the perfect balance. For an iced matcha latte, simply add ice.

Now, all that's left is to sit back and enjoy your drink!
